“What can study abroad do for me?”

By immersing yourself in a new culture, you have the opportunity to develop independence, gain insights into your major, and exchange knowledge with others about your mutual cultures. You grow in your ability to communicate and enjoy making new friends. You return to Japan with a new perspective on Japan and, indeed, the world itself. 






OGFA specifically facilitates and supports students, faculty, staff, cultural, artistic, and professional development exchanges between North America and J. F. Oberlin University (JFOU).


Academic Year Exchange Program

Academic Year Abroad Exchange Program (Open to all JFOU students):

Any JFOU undergraduate student who meets the requirements for the exchange program may participate. Students may select any university from among the sixteen North American institutions with which JFOU has an exchange or direct exchange agreement. The photos above show some of the locations where students might attend as exchange students. 






Airline Hospitality Program
エアライン ホスピタリティ プログラム

College of Business Management: Airline Hospitality

The Airline Hospitality (AH) Program requires all forty JFOU AH sophomores to attend Arizona State’s Global Launch Intensive English Program or the University at Albany, SUNY’s Intensive ESL Program each fall. In their listening and speaking classes, the AH students study with other international students. As a result, they make friends with students from all over the world, familiarizing themselves with other cultures. In their English classes, students study tourism and flight attendant related specialized terminology.

ビジネス マネジメント学群エアライン ホスピタリティ プログラムは、エアライン・ホスピタリティコースの40名が2年次の秋学期にアリゾナ州立大学のGlobal Launch Intensive English Programまたは、ニューヨーク州立大学オルバニー校のThe Intensive English Language Programに留学するプログラムです。プログラム参加の学生たちは、リスニング、スピーキングの授業を世界中の留学生たちと一緒に学び、更に、ツーリズムと航空会社客室乗務員のための専門英語を集中的に勉強します。



Business Management Global Outreach Program
メント学群 グローバル

College of Business Management: Global Outreach Program

The Business Management Global Outreach (BM GO) program is a semester program for 2nd semester sophomores or 1st semester juniors in the College of Business Management at J. F. Oberlin University. Each semester, 12-14 students attend Georgia Tech University, Mercer University, and the University of Memphis to study various Fortune 500 companies based in Atlanta or Memphis. Their ESL programs are geared towards business English with an end goal of creating a pitch for a new business idea based on their study of U.S. businesses.

ビジネス マネジメント学群グローバル アウトリーチプログラム

ビジネスマネジメント グローバルアウトリーチプログラムは桜美林大学ビジネスマネジメント学群に在籍する学生が2年次の秋学期、または3年次の春学期に参加するプログラムです。各学期、ジョージア工科大学、マーサー大学、またはメンフィス大学の語学学校、集中英語プログラムに各12~14名の学生が留学します。コースではビジネス専門英語の習得を主体とし、アトランタ、メンフィスを拠点とするフォーチュン500に名を連ねる大企業について調査、研究していきます。それらの学びから新しいビジネスモデルを創造する事を最終ゴールとしています。



Global Communication Program
グローバル •コミュニケーション 留学プログラム

College of Global Communication: Study Abroad Program

The College of Global Communication (GC) Program is a one-semester program for 1st or 2nd semester sophomores in the College of Global Communication at J. F. Oberlin University in Japan. Students primarily study ESL while participating in many activities with other international and local students. 

グローバル •コミュニケーション 学群留学プログラム




Liberal Arts Global Outreach Program

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences: Global Outreach Program 

The Liberal Arts Global Outreach (LA GO) Program is a one-semester program for 2nd semester freshmen or 1st semester sophomores in the College of Arts and Sciences at J. F. Oberlin University in Japan. Students primarily study ESL, do community outreach, and participate in many activities with other internationals and local students. 

リベラルアーツ学群 グローバル アウトリーチ プログラム




Visual and Performing Arts Global Outreach Program


College of Visual and Performing Arts: Global Outreach Program

The Visual and Performing Arts Global Outreach (Geibun GO) Program is a one-semester program for students who have completed their first year of university work in the College of Visual and Performing Arts at J. F. Oberlin University. Students primarily study ESL, do community outreach, and participate in many activities with other internationals and local students, including experiences related to their field of visual and performing arts. 

芸術文化学群グローバル アウトリーチプログラム
